Wednesday, April 8, 2009

How to Make Money on the Internet

I'm a smart guy. And it's my understanding that if you're smart you just get money. Isn't that why people go to school? So they can get smarter and make more money? In the words of Michael Bolton (the Office Space character, not the singer), "How is it that all these stupid, neanderthal mafia guys can be so good at crime, and smart guys like us can suck so badly at it?" Except instead of "crime" I mean "making money".

Take, for example, whoever it is that started that site. (If you haven't seen it, it's worth a look.) Of course they're totally exploiting people, and I don't know if I'd feel very good about myself even if I were them. But I'm sure they're making a ton of money. My most recent favorite example is I'm not knocking them, because they are pretty entertaining, but whoever is in charge of that website does next to nothing. They get people to send them funny things and just post them and reap that sweet, sweet ad revenue. I don't know how much that is, but I want a piece.

And that's why I've got Google ads on this website. As soon as someone besides me starts looking at this website, I'm gonna be rollin' in it.

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