Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Civic Musical Road?

I feel like I'm crazy because there should be more outrage for this, maybe even uppermost outrage.

I would like to submit that this Civic Musical Road that I keep seeing on that commercial is not very impressive. It plays music the way my mom sings; yes, it goes up and down at the right times and keeps time, but I don't think it ever gets the right intervals. I feel like those people congratulating themselves at the end of the commercial should rethink what they've done.

You'd think if Honda is going to shell out the money to make a commercial and buy the airtime, they would do it right. Is it really that hard to figure out how to get the right notes? I know it depends on the car and the speed and all, but why didn't they just make a test road with grooves at all the different intervals so they have a whole range of sounds? Run through that once with your Civic, record it, use a tuner if you need, then make your road and play the right notes.

Another thing that bugs me is that the people that describe it online keep saying it's the Lone Ranger theme song. That may be the case, but it's been the William Tell Overture a lot longer.

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